Valuence Announces Recruitment of 100 Athletes for Dual Careers!
ALLValuence Announces Recruitment of 100 Athletes for Dual Careers!
The Valuence Group offers life-changing value tailored to all our stakeholders, encouraging every person in the world to live true to yourself. Valuence Holdings Inc. (Tokyo; Shinsuke Sakimoto, representative director and president), today announced its Recruitment of Dual-Career Athletes project, offering an environment supporting athletes who are serious about both athletic and business careers. This program allows athletes to work without having to give up competing in their chosen sport.Valuence to Support Athletes Through an Environment Encouraging Both Work and Sports Competition
Many athletes devote most of their lives to their chosen sport, finding it difficult to build a career after retirement from athletics. In addition, the spread of COVID-19 has forced large numbers of athletes to refrain from regular activities, causing many to be concerned about their futures.Seeing this situation, former J-League soccer professional and current Valuence president Shinsuke Sakimoto felt a strong desire to help athletes. This Recruitment of Dual-Career Athletes project will allow athletes to continue to pursue their dreams of competition while also pursuing a business career, free from anxieties related to post-retirement work opportunities or an unstable livelihood.
tunities or an unstable livelihood. Valuence Holdings will continue to grow its business and provide always-improving levels of service to customers and society by providing environments that encourage employees, including dual-career athletes, to live true to themselves.
■ Comments From Shinsuke Sakimoto, President, Valuence Holdings, Inc.
The Valuence Group is a team aiming to create a world that encourages people to live true to themselves. Athletes who devote themselves single-mindedly to a sport is the very essence of living true to oneself. We launched this project with the hope that these athletes will not have to worry about the future, and will remain focused on the “now.”
We believe that supporting dual careers for athletes will not only help them achieve their goals, but will also promote diverse work styles and enhance the value of sports. We expect this project to be an opportunity for athletes, for the Valuence Group, and for society to unleash even greater potential.
■ Details
Athletes can continue their sports activities while working for the Valuence Group. Valuence will work with individuals to determine work hours, work conditions, and other ways to use limited time effectively, seeking the best work arrangements. Contact Valuence for more information.
【Application Acceptance】
Beginning September 18, 2020
【Job Description】
Buying office concierge, customer support, quality management staff, merchandise management staff, etc.
・Athletes who are currently pursuing their dream in sports
・Individuals able to (who desire to) both work and engage in athletic competition
・Individuals who want to grow as business professionals
・Individuals who share the vision of encouraging people to live true to themselves
【Work Hours, Location】
Please inquire at the time of interview.
Valuence Group Athlete Recruitment Webpage (Japanese only):
Wantedly(Japanese only):